Thursday, December 6, 2007

Brittany Wells to be featured on cover of December issue Indie Islands magazine

As I reported on November 16, 2007, my client, Brittany Wells was, atm_f7171c34ca2ee89b649eadb4cfbb242c that time, leading the voting on to become the featured artist on the cover of the De-cember issue of Indie Islands, an "emagaz-ine" that focuses on indepen-ent talent. 

The online contest garnered over 133,000 votes and, when the voting ended on December 5 and the votes were tallied, only 18 votes separated the leader, Brittany, and the second place Deby Kelley, an independent artist from Fontana, California. 

Calling the results a "statistical tie," the editors of the magazine exercised their creative license, opted to take the politically correct path, and elected to put both artists on the cover of their December issue (wimps!).  That reminds of  the ending to a similarly close election back in 2000 when the Supreme Court elected . . . well, never mind. 

In third place was former Sony recording artist, Tammy Cochran, who will also be featured on the cover in an inset. The December issue of Indie Islands will be online December 21st.  Be sure to check it out!

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